
更多 Scratch 控制 EV3 樂高機器人的方式

雖然EV3 NXT 樂高機器人都有官方的圖形介面環境,讓們能夠寫程式控制樂高機器人,不過如果有其他圖形化程式,也是入門的好選擇。

探奇曾經在去年發文介紹『 ev3-scratch-helper-app』,目前似乎沒有繼續更新。(請參考探奇文章:Scratch 2.0 控制 EV3 樂高機器人


1. S2Bot Helper App (基礎為Scratch 2.0)


原本是開發S2P Helper App,提供Scratch控制PICAXE microcontroller,他們另外也提供S2Bot Helper App,可以利用Scratch控制下列電子產品:

a. Scratch PicoBoard (USB)
b. LEGO WeDo (USB)
c. Sphero (Bluetooth)  (Sphero內部解析)
d. LEGO NXT (Bluetooth)
e. LEGO NXT with MotorControl22 (Bluetooth)
f. LEGO EV3  (Bluetooth)



Known Scratch Issues:

The build number of Scratch is shown at the top left, under the blue ‘full screen’ button.

You must use build 423 or later of Scratch for output blocks that also wait (e.g. ‘switch on motor A for 5 seconds’ or  ‘rotate motor A 90 degrees’).

Sensor hat blocks are not supported by http extensions within Scratch. Therefore you must use a reporter block within a loop to 'simulate' a hat event.

The Windows offline version of Scratch and/or Adobe AIR has a memory leak and often hangs after long periods of inactivity (e.g. if Scratch is minimised whilst you work on something else). If this occurs there is no option but to close and restart Scratch, so make sure you save your project often!

(上述是非常重要的訊息,也順便說明Scratch 2.0 離線版的狀況,希望Scratch已經有所改善)

想安裝測試的讀友也請看完這個PDF檔案的說明:S2Bot Quick Start Guide

2. phratch and JetStorms (基礎為Scratch 1.4)



