ROBOTC 3.5 has a number of new features and enhancements:
- Full ANSI-C support to support pointers, recursion, and stacks with an updated compiler and updated robot firmware.
- New and Updated Debugger Windows:
- “Local Variables” to monitor variables in the current task or function.
(Note: Local variables are only available when your program is suspended) - “Global Variables” to monitor variables available to your entire program.
- “Call Stacks” to monitor function calls in the currently selected task.
- “Local Variables” to monitor variables in the current task or function.
- Updated Documentation and Wiki (www.robotc.net/wiki) – Still in progress!
- Support for Standard C commands – sprintf(), sscanf(), support for character arrays, unsigned variables, etc.
- Support for the Arduino family of controllers (Uno, Mega, Mega 2560) with future support and expanded functionality for the Arduino Leonardo and Due controllers.
- Updated Robot Virtual Worlds support to include additional sensors and motors.
- Improved Robot Virtual Worlds performance to simulate more realistic physics and robot behaviors.
- Support for the new MATRIX building system with the NXT.
- Many general enhancements and bug fixes – more in-depth change log to come with the ROBOTC 3.5 official release.
除了完全向ANSI C靠攏,還支援許多C的功能:指標、堆疊、遞迴,也有多種平台可以對應,看來真的是很強大,也很完整!
Announcing ROBOTC 3.5! Beta Version Available Today