Educate NXT,有該書專屬網頁:
這本書由Chris Bracken主導,Dr Damien Kee,Rob Torok共同執筆完成。
根據官網說詞,定價美金45元,美國地區由 LEGO Education USA (PITSCO)代理。
Table of Contents
Part One: Getting Started
1. Introduction
2. How to use this Book
3. Managing a Robotics Program
Part Two: Robot Navigation
1. Getting Started
2. Worksheet 1: Obstacle Navigation
3. Worksheet 2: Four Poles Challenge
4. Worksheet 3: Circle Work
5. Sample Solutions
Part Three: Line Following
1. Getting Started
2. Worksheet 1: One light sensor
3. Worksheet 2: Stepping up the Challenge
4. Worksheet 3: Two light sensor line following
5. Sample Solutions
Part Four: Sumo
1. Getting Started
2. Worksheet 1: Robot Sumo- Preparing your Robot
3. Worksheet 2: Robot Sumo- Giving your robot some intelligence
4. Worksheet 3: Build a better Sumo Robot
5. Worksheet 4: Mine Sweeper.
6. Sample Solutions
Part Five: Follow the Leader
1. Getting Started
2. Worksheet 1: Follow the Leader
3. Worksheet 2: More Action, More Robots
4. Sample Solutions
Part Six: Additional Challenges
1. Gearing
2. The Corridor Challenge
3. The Maze
4. Bluetooth Remote Control
5. Data Logging