今天發現這個葡萄牙的EV3部落格 - MIND STORMiDEAS,
部落格中除了展示EV3樂高機器人家用版模型,還修改The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory書中的模型,改善機構組裝,撰寫程式增加新功能,也發明一些有趣的好模型。
請大家自行到 MIND STORMiDEAS觀看影片及英文版說明。(點擊連結會新開瀏覽器視窗)
1. HAND WRIT3R (English version),機器手臂寫字。
2. LINE FOLLOW3R (English version),尋線軌跡機器人
3. FLOOR CLEAN3R (English version),擦地機器人
4. LABYRINTH3R (English version),環境探索機器人
I found your post through the blog (MIND STORMiDEAS) statistics, and wanted to thank you for your opinion and I'm glad that you have liked the blog and the posts! More robots will come...
回覆刪除Thank you very much!!
It's my pleasure to introduce good EV3 blog to my readers. Thank you for your sharing.