SPIKE 樂高機器人



ROBOTC 發表 4.25 Release Candidate 1

今年5/28發行4.10版之後,RobotC推出 4.25 RC版 (4.25 Release Candidate 1)。


RobotC因應不同的控制器,分為三種版本,MINDSTORMS (NXT, EV3),VEX Robotics (VEX IQ, VEX CORTEX),Arduino (UNO, Meag等)。


RobotC官網的Download連結是NXT的3.62版,大家必須直接進入ROBOTC for LEGO MINDSTORMS,才能下載4.25 RC版。


安裝後的About 頁面顯示版本為4.25





這次比較特殊的是桌面有了『Graphical ROBOTC for LEGO Mindstorms 4.x』的捷徑。


下圖:更棒的是按下『Convert Graphical file to Text』,就能自動幫你生成C語言文字程式。(無法反向將文字程式轉換成圖形程式)



其實圖形化程式是建立在自然語言(Natural Language)的基礎上,自然語言是把一些機器人動作行為的控制方式以口語分式表達出來,讓一般人能夠專注於機器人的行動以及邏輯執行過程。

最近聽聞BricxCC維護開發者John Hansen先生因為生活及工作繁忙,無暇完成EV3專用的『NXC』。


下面轉貼Bot Bench文章中的RobotC改版記錄,這一版已經完全支援EV3所以功能,包含許多第三方感應器的使用。


Bot Bench文章連結:New Release: ROBOTC 4.25

  • Cortex: Added servo motor commands to Cortex for Virtual Worlds.
  • Cortex: Added potentiometer commands to Cortex for Virtual Worlds.
  • Cortex: Add Timers and Clear Timers to Graphical for Cortex.
  • IDE: Spurious “rbg” file extension may have been added when saving a text file created from converting a graphics file. Fixed.
  • EV3: Update the routine that checks for “valid syntax of NXT on-brick file” for EV3. EV3 has different rules for file names than NXT.
  • VEX IQ: Added sound commands to Natural Language for VEX IQ – modified the playNote command to use typedefs to make it easier for natural language users.
  • Compiler: When substituting symbol names that match except with different letter case do a better job of handling the case when multiple symbols might possibly fit.
  • EV3: Support for standard ROBOTC “playTone” file with EV3.
  • Updated IDE Version (4.25)
  • Updated Firmware Version (10.25)
  • IDE: New Help System Engine + Content Files (replaces CHM)
  • Debugger: Fixed issue where VEX IQ motor debugger window was displaying “raw” encoder counts instead of “scaled” encoder counts.
  • Virtual Worlds: Adjust “no echo” value for VEX IQ in Emulator/Virtual Worlds
  • IDE: Default directory has been adjusted to be “my documents” instead of the root ROBOTC directory for saving un-saved files.
  • Compiler: Format code “%f” was broken in implementation when a number of decimal specifier wasn’t provided. Fixed.
  • Natural Language: Updated Natural Language Libraries to include “debugging” to LCD commands.
  • GUI: Updated Desktop/Start Icons for Graphical
  • Debugger: Sensor window had some “artifacts” when the number of display rows was larger than the number of active sensors. Fixed so that artifacts are now blank lines.
  • Compiler: Fixed compiler bug. Conversion of ‘float’ constant expressions to ‘long’ constant value was incorrect. End result of bug was that most likely value assigned was zero.
  • EV3: Added resources to the firmware image with sounds and images in /home/root/lms2012/resources/
  • EV3: EV3 firmware from LEGO does not properly handle the use of ‘.’ in the middle of filenames. Replace the ‘.’ with ‘_’.
  • Compiler: Fixed issue with rand() – Compiler was incorrectly optimizing get/set property opcodes to a one-byte index value with constant parameters. Almost all properties only need one byte with exception of “propertyRandom” which was behaving incorrectly as a result of this bug.
  • Graphical: Support for “compiler error” display for graphical files including using “graphical block numbers” rather than “text line index” for error display.
  • Graphical: Tweaked graphical loop block colors.
  • VEX IQ: Allow the debugger to display information based on the global motor encoder units instead of raw counts for VEX IQ
  • Cortex: Updated VEX Cortex IME Support to reflect new motor type (393 with Turbo Gears). Also removed some inconsistencies in the software as well.
  • EV3: When USB connected EV3 is disconnected then ROBOTC would not reconnect to it when reconnected until ROBOTC application was existed and re-entered. The problem was ROBOTC was using a “old” list of “discovered devices”. Now discards list of devices and rescans — when connecting via USB only — and problem is resolved.
  • EV3: Support for EV3 text drawing to screen.
  • EV3: Breakpoints now working for EV3.
  • EV3: Add support for “EV3 Remote Screen” as part of the Debugger.
  • Compiler: Improved implementation of compiler parse for ‘typedef enum” and “typedef struct”. Implementation is now closer to standard “C” with better handling for “anonymous” typedefs. Does not break any sample programs.
  • IDE: “Open Include File” command in source file context menu was broken; fixed. “Go to symbol definition” context menu command now filters out macro parameters and procedure variables.
  • NXT: Fixed issue where “simple” game controller data wasn’t appearing in available debugger windows
  • Graphical: Graphic trash can implementation. You can drag selection to the trash can to delete blocks.
  • NXT/EV3: Fix spurious generation of “#pragma config” for PID settings that are all set to 0xFF values.
  • Graphical: Syntax checking on graphical files. Some errors are now flagged.
  • Graphical: Implement “Comment” block for Graphical views including edit capability.
  • EV3: New Commands for EV3 IR Sensor
  • EV3: New Commands for EV3 Bumper/Touch Sensor
  • EV3: New Commands for EV3 Color sensor
  • EV3: New Commands for EV3 Gyro sensor
  • EV3: New Commands for EV3 Touch Sensor
  • Graphical: “>” and “<” comparison operators were swapping when saving a graphical file. Fixed.
  • IDE: When a new source file is opened (or a template file) do not initially set the “modified” flag in the file. Only set the modified flag after end user has modified the file.
  • IDE: Avoid double “Save File” prompt when compiling a file and on the first SAVE prompt you click cancel.
  • EV3 Kernel: Image of latest build – version 1.06X and all the I2C enhancements.
  • EV3: IDE “File Management” window for EV3 was often crashing; fixed a buffer read overflow situation which clears this up. Better text error message when there is not enough free flash memory to write a new file to the EV3.
  • IDE: Disable “error” message box when pulling USB cable from robot brain (and the debugger shuts down).
  • VEX IQ: Visual Error handling for Debugger Exceptions (Wrong Motor/Sensors/etc)
  • VEX IQ: Updated GUI Text: When a ROBOTC AUTO program had previously ran, and then a user was trying to access a TeleOp program, they would be greeted with a “No Radio Needed…” message box. Updated the text to reflect that if they’re seeing a message they probably need a remote control, because this string is never presented to the user for more than a split second in Auto mode.
  • IDE: Fixed issue with “Sensors” debugger window not being able to be edited.
  • VEX IQ: fixed Issue with VEX IQ Color Sensor – Hue values were being scaled improperly.
  • Graphical: Reduce flicker on graphical view when dragging blocks.
  • Graphical: Added registry options to adjust the appearance of graphical programs. Includes show/hide {}. Show/hide semi-colons. Optional “end” text on end block. Etc.
  • Robot Virtual Worlds / VEX IQ: Invert the proximity value provided by the vex color sensor to align with real hardware.
  • IDE: Add support to “Motors and Sensors Setup” to store drive side — left/right/none — for each motor. Graphical Movement Commands will now use this data to decide what motors to drive
  • Graphical: Adjust width of graphic programming blocks based on contents of edit controls and width of drop down menu items.
  • Graphical: Added EV3, VEX Cortex and NXT as “Graphical Language” platforms.
  • Bug: Large ICON toolbar was not getting built when IDE is opened unless it was “opening last file”. Changed data table to ensure that it is initially built.
  • IDE: Added ability for “Macro” commands to Compile/Download/Launch Graphical Files when special flags are stored inside of the .RGB files.
  • Graphical: VEX IQ Motors and Sensors now support dynamic menus based on Motors and Sensor Setup Data

3 則留言:

  1. 邱老師,
    Robot C 4.26版已經可以下載:

    1. 早上還有看到8/29的4.26版連結,剛剛再次確認,官網已經恢復4.25版,我想應該是一時誤植,不過也證明很快就會有新版發布。

    2. 不過昨晚我倒是有下載到 4.26 的安裝檔, 沒想到今天就變回去4.25版

