SPIKE 樂高機器人



新版本發布 ROBOTC 4.28 Beta

 ROBOTC 4.28 Beta 發布,for VEX IQ and LEGO NXT EV3


ROBOTC 4.27 -> 4.28 BETA Change Log:

All – Updated Help System Documentation for new commands and features.
All – Updated Firmware for 10.28 / 4.28 compatibility.
All – Added a compiler error when ‘switch’ expression was illegal.
All – Support for optional “int” keyword as in the declaration “short int” or “int short” in addition to “short”.
All – Add USB Joystick control to Graphical (in loop blocks)
EV3 – Fixed user reported bug in Synchronized Motor Movements commands.
EV3 – Disabled setting sensor ports to typeNone/modeNone when initially configuring port. This prevented sensor ports from being reconfigured manually afterwards inside a program.
EV3 – Added Joystick support for EV3.
EV3 – Fixed BMP files not displaying properly on the EV3 screen.
EV3 – Added Datalogging for the EV3. It is file based and saves the data in a CSV format under prjs/rc-data/
EV3 – Added EV3 file operations for reading/writing to files. Commands are available for reading/writing all types and raw data. Files are saved in the standard ROBOTC projects folder and cannot be saved elsewhere for security/safety reasons.
EV3 – Fix EV3 issue of USB connected brick disconnected when COMM link is open and IDE cannot recover when USB link is reconnected.
EV3 – Changed ramp up/down parameters to 0 for EV3 motors, as per the LEGO programming environment. This is a feature ROBOTC was using but isn’t supported well by the EV3.
EV3 – Fixed issue where motor speed was not normalized to -100 to 100 when values exceeding the maximum were provided.
EV3/NXT – Fixed issue with ROBOTC ‘auto-updater’ when launching ROBOTC for LEGO based platforms.
EV3 – Adjusted I2C read and write commands to use standard LEGO ioctl. The calls are non-blocking.
EV3 – setSensorTypeModeFromWithinOpcode is now used instead of calling for a separate type and mode change. This fixes the issue of bad sensor modes.
EV3 – EV3 Touch sensor can now have both bumps and touch value read, regardless of mode
EV3 – sensorReset() now calls appropriate reset function, depending on the connection type. If used on Gyro or Touch, the heading or bump count is reset, respectively.



