SPIKE 樂高機器人



Google的NXT樂高機器人活動--Google Developers SXSW LEGO Rumble


馬上找到一年前的探奇舊文章:SXSW(South by Southwest)美國南方音樂節與NXT樂高機器人

這些Googlers在3/10及3/11舉辦一連串的活動,包含3/11一整天(10am - 8pm)

Google Developers LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Hackathon

Google SXSW-- Developers網頁說明



  • 10am LEGO® kit distribution begins
  • 10am - 8pm Hardcore hacking
  • 7:30pm 30-minute warning, race order is assigned
  • 8pm Let the rumble begin!
The Rules
  • Each team gets 1 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® kit. There will be additional LEGO® pieces available.
  • Each team must build with the pieces given at the event — thus no outside parts, modifications, or LEGOs will be allowed! No exceptions!
  • You'll need to bring your own laptop for hacking, but we'll have plenty of power and WiFi.
  • You can use any programming environment you prefer.
  • Teams should bring their own Android device.
  • Teams must use an Android device and the MINDdroid control app to remote control the robots throughout the obstacle course.
  • Teams must use the MINDdroid software.
  • The goal is for teams to get their robots from start to finish of the obstacle course in the shortest amount of time.
  • No more than 30 teams can enter.
  • No more than 4 people per team.
  • Bots can not be larger than a shoebox.
  • Bots must stay within the designated course.
  • Robots must be race ready by the scheduled race time.
  • The bot that completes the obstacle course in the shortest amount of time wins.
  • There will also be a creativity category (hardware and/or software). Yes, this will be totally based on judges decision, with input from the crowd. Bribing the judges will not work.
  • External interference may cause the race to be restarted.
  • Judges have the final say. Arguing will result in disqualification! Don't do it!

還不太清楚實況,好像是用Android的MINDdroid App遙控NXT樂高機器人通過障礙物。




