SPIKE 樂高機器人



ROBOTC 3.03更新

轉貼自Robotics Academy Blog

ROBOTC 3.03 is now available!

3.02 to 3.03 Change log:

  • Fixed issue with nMotorEncoderTarget when issuing a positive target with a negative speed.
  • Removed windows that would cause Virtual Worlds to crash when opening.
  • Fixed problem with large files not compiling to robot controllers. The Maximum size of user program was incorrectly given as 16K. Changed to 128K. Also added error messages to prevent “silent” failure.
  • Fixed “File – Print Preview” and “Print” commands to properly print source code.
  • ROBOTC will no longer crash if Fantom is not available.
  • Fixed issue with ROBOTC Auto-Updater. ROBOTC will now properly notify you when a new version is available.
  • No longer validate perpetual license and check for updates on every startup. This is now a periodic check.
  • Corrected a bug with an incorrect cast that was causing crash in compiler code optimization.
  • Fixed issue with VEX remote screen display where buttons were not emulating the correct value when pressed.




