SPIKE 樂高機器人



ROBOTC Driver Suite V2.0 終於公布!

原文連結:Released: ROBOTC Driver Suite V2.0 Final

Xander多次整理相關程式庫,終於公布2.0版的Driver Suite,支援超過50種NXT樂高機器人的各式感應器,




New sensors:
  • HiTechnic Barometric Sensor (Driver name: HTBM)
  • Dexter Industries 6-DOF IMU (Driver name: DIMU)
  • Dexter Industries Thermal Infra Red Sensor (Driver name: TIR)
  • MicroInfinity CruizCore XG1300L (Driver name: MICC)
  • Added example MSMMUX-test2.c to show how to use MMUX with a daisy chained sensor (DIST-nx)
  • Removed unnecessary common.h includes from examples
  • Changed arrays from structs to just typedefs, all drivers have been adjusted
  • motor mux stuff split off from common.h
  • All SMUX supported drivers now use new SMUX mechanism
  • Modified common.h to separate SMUX functions from rest using defines
  • removed ubyteToInt from all drivers and common.h
  • test programs have had their sensor types reconfigured, you will need ROBOTC 2.26
  • HTSMUX-driver.h newly added, has all the new SMUX functions split from common.h
  • MMUX-common.h newly added, contains all the MMUX functions split from common.h
  • common.h: substituted functions with macros: min2, min3, max2, max3, clip to save memory, places all instances of previous
  • functions in drivers.
  • added min/max functions for floats
  • light-common.h: newly added, adds RGBtoHSV conversion
  • HTCS-driver.h/HTCS2-driver.h: added functions for HSV values
  • Removed single axis functions from HTAC-driver.h
  • Removed functions for single signal strength in HTIRS and HTIRS2.
  • Removed No Wait functions from EOPD driver
  • Removed HTIRL-NG, is now named HTIRL
  • All applicable Mindsensors sensors now have an optional “address” argument that can be ommitted if using the default
  • Removed #defines for HTGYROsetCal() in HTGYRO-driver.h
  • Minor internal bug fixes in MSMMUX-driver.h and NXTCAM-driver.h
  • Fixed MSDISTsendCmd()
  • HTMC-driver.h: Improved relative heading algorithm
  • added DGPSreadTravHeading() to DGPS-driver.h and fixed commands
  • Changed arguments from byte to ubyte in MSLL-driver.h


