SPIKE 樂高機器人



leJOS NXJ 0.85公布!

leJOS NXJ 0.85已經於9/2發佈。



  • better support and documentation for MAC OS X, including the Fantom USB driver
  • a Netbeans plugin
  • improved JVM speed and many more amazing improvements by Andy
  • support for the new LEGO color sensor in the NXT 2.0 set
  • now supports the instanceof keyword
  • detection of rechargeable batteries and improved battery indicator
  • nanosecond timers and improved timer support with the Delay class.
  • % operation on floats and doubles
  • Class, including the isAssignableFrom(Class cls) method
  • display of LCD screen in ConsoleViewer
  • major speed and accuracy improvements to the Math class from Sven
  • platform independent lejos.robotics packages
  • new navigation proposal (work in progress) that is platform independent, supports more vehicles, has better localization support, and new concepts of pose controllers and path finders
  • preliminary support for probabilistic robotics, including general purpose KalmanFilter class using matrix algebra
  • reworking of the Monte Carlo Localization classes
  • limited java.awt and java.awt.geom classes


leJOS NXJ 0.85 beta

Andy Shaw has added:

- Improvements to the speed of the Java VM including changes to the alignment of data.
- A new object format for .nxj files.
- Access to VM structures from Java using the VM class.
- Synchonization and locking of class data.
- Support for instance of on all data including interfaces and arrays.
- Support for Cloneable interface on objects and arrays
- Support for detection of rechargeable batteries and improved battery indicator.
- Improved i2c support including remote i2c from the PC.
- Increased ADC sensing frequency
- Support for nanosecond timers and improved timer support with the Delay class.
- Support for % operation on floats and doubles
- Improvements to SensorPort class and firmware support for sensors
- Added support for isAssignableFrom
- RFID sensor sample
- Optional display of LCD screen in ConsoleViewer#
- Refactoring of startup menu vode
- Several bug fixes

Andy Shaw and Sven Koehler have added:

- Support for the Class class.

Andy Shaw and Brian Bagnall have added:

- Support for the new LEGO color sensor in the NXT 2.0 set
- A new ColorSensorTest sample

Sven Koehler has added:

- Much improved versions of the java.Math classes with bug fixes,
accuracy improvements and in some cases, dramatic speed improvements.
- Improvement to the firmware make files and other minor firmware improvements
- A new benchmark project for testing Math performance.
- New flashwrite project
- Improvements to SAM-BA support in pccomms and improvements to flash utilities

Brian Bagnall, Roger Glassey and Lawrie Griffiths have added:

- Improved package structure with all NXT-specific classes in lejos.nxt subpackages
and all robotics support in lejos.robotics.
- New proposal for navigation which is platform independent, supports more
type of vehicles, has better localization support, and supports new concepts
of pose controllers and path finders. Includes support for probabilistic robots.
Supports platforms for mounting sensors on. Has interfaces for better hardware
abstraction. This proposal is still work in progress.
- Removal of deprecated navigation classes and classes superseded by the new proposal

Shawn Brown has added:

- Better support and documentation for MAC OS X including make the fantom USB driver the default.
- Raname of nxjpccomm scripty to nxjpc and addition of nxjpcc script

Lawrie Griffiths has added:

- Reworking of the Monte Carlo Localization classes to make them easier to use.
- A new Homer MCL sample.
- Support for java.awt and java.awt.geom Rectangle, Line and Point classes#
- lejos.geom package that extends java.awt.geom
- Removal of activity based subsumption classes.
- MotorPort for PF motors via HoiTechnic IRLink
- Improvements top Matrix code asnd addition of LUDecomposition
- General purpose KalmanFilter class using matrix algebra and a KalmanTest sample
- Moved mapping support from lejos.localization to lejos.robotics.mapping
- Corrections to common class warning so that it does not appear in the API docs.
- Improvements to the release build files.
- Updated TachoCount pcsample that demonstrates improved control and diagnostics for remote access using LCP.
- Various bug fixes.

Lawrie Griffiths and Brian Bagnall have added:

- Improvments to RemoteMotor support

Brian Bagnall has added:

- Support for rotation and elevation platforms.
- Rationalization of steer and arc methods in pilots.
- Improvements to GPS support and a GPSInfo sample
- Deletion of redundant samples.

Roger Glassey has added:

- A Netbeans plugin
- Improvements to TachoPilot abd SimpleNavigator
- New obstacle avoidance samples
- A Pose class
- Various bug fixes

Dirk Sturzebecher has added:
- TachoMotor interface
- SimpleNavigator bug fix


